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Due to recent happenings there will be a new policy for custom cue orders.

As of  Oct 12th, 2022 I have multiple custom cues that have been completed for months that have not been paid for. Over the past 6 months I have had numerous cues not paid for upon completion that I had to wait weeks to months for payment. I have been understanding and compassionate of the never ending line of  excuses of why, and the ever changing promises of when payment will be made.  I do know that life is tough and cost of living has gone up lately, but I am also feeling the effects of it. This is how I pay my bills and make my living. My custom cue waitlist has been 18-24 months for the past 3 years. So there is no reason for non payment when cues are completed. This non payment and waiting for months upon months for payment is something I cannot do anymore.

From this day on, it will still cost nothing to get on the custom build list. Now there will be 2 documents that will be signed and returned to me to keep your spot on the custom build list. There will be a 25% non-refundable down payment will be due 8 months before quoted completion date. If this 25% down payment is not paid by that date then the cue order will be moved to the bottom of the list, no matter how long the list is.

For those of you already on custom build list, I will be in touch with you and discuss this.

I am really disappointed and unhappy that I have to do this. But, it is something that needs to be done.

Thank you to all my past, present and future customers!

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